Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Angry man and Mild man

Before, there were two young men in a similar town, one of whom was a youthful Sokun. In awful states of mind, in the event that you mess around with the children, you'll simply get into a contention. The guardians of Ashukok's folks were similarly as ravenous and as he could be. He was feeling awful. The illegitimate, stranded, without guardians, however the grandparents were too old to even consider surviving. In that town, in the event that he had been messing around with the children, he could never have contended. Furthermore, the individuals of the town were exceptionally enamored with eating this man, and he was forever discontent. Disappointed, increasingly furious, chastening their youngsters, not dreading old and old, battling for their own feet. As the easygoing and the disturbed develop old, Achakut says, "Goodness, we need to go. Chop down the bamboo wire, in light of the fact that the house is solid, you are broken. " "I have no sharp blade, no rice, no fish, no meat, no tobacco. Today is the morning and the night time. "Try not to take any nourishment, tobacco, blades, and all you have. Certification me in solitude." And they went to the place of the man of harmony, and said unto his grandma, Thy sibling made me rests, Bamboo, spiked metal, kitchen utensils everywhere, I was simply the one and only one. "" Don't go! The bamboo woods is extremely tranquil. " Ah, "That is alright, Grandma!" Grandma's home is broken and redesigned just to fix it! ». Also, she stated, I will go; however I will deal with you. Sok Slack Aka Kokhok how to cut bamboo cut the two men and the bamboo shoots. Wire saddle. Aokakachet low, Soklong dozed and refreshed, two sitting inverse one another, Think, "Your life is going to pass on with my hands now," and considering getting a blade in the eye. The compliant who are eating. "For what reason would you say you are wounding me? . "You look for your business, and you are superior to anything I am," he replied. "When you requested that I cut bamboo wire, I contended that I had nothing, you guaranteed me of rice," said Sok. All the sustenance all alone has come to me, and now you need to take every one of the ropes and not murder Me. " "You are a hard mouth," Agakk answered. At that, Sokkac additionally got a blade, cut one eye in the eye, and another shot in the chest with blood. Both are exceptionally pitiful to think about their older grandparents alone.

"You're going to allow the to fish eat," said Sok, and drove the cleaver to the side of the stream and let it down. In the surge of the waterway, thinking, "Grieving is dead," he assembled every one of the outfits back to his home, Over and over, he told his grandma, "You, the tiger, are dead!"

She heard him state that the tiger bit him, and that he was crying and was going to bite the dust. He was glad and strolled around the house not surprisingly, intrepidly contending with them.

This is the snapshot of grieving, as he wounds the two eyes and drops the flood of water. There, Sok Slum coasted down the stream, scanning for the Buddha's spells. Around then, an extraordinary incredible extraordinary incredible extraordinary granddaddy passed on in the bushes of the stream close to the waterway; Under the landmark, a human position can exist. The ravenous crocodile descended the stream looking for sustenance, he swam in the water, swam even with grieving. Drifting down the crocodile's mouth, he shouts, "Amazing, huge ass! I desired nourishment today, found a person, "and attempted to swim nearer to hearing that the Buddha was suspicious. Furthermore, their eyes saw it, and the cruse of them stated, "I will offer it to you, and I won't eat this current man's life." He likewise plunges despite his good faith, swam back to the religious community, and is the pioneer of the gathering. As the accommodating one goes to the Buddha, he is revered every step of the way, and each audience hears. Furthermore, he had empathy on him, saying, Ah, how awful is your heart? Try not to be hesitant to spare your life so you can see your grandparents' eyes well. Home »said and furthermore connected eye enchantment, eye enchantment, eyeshadow, thus delicate as you. A bunch of sand checks the enchantment of the sand and offers it to hands: "Grandmother! Hold your deliver your hand, and when you get to your home, you will advise your grandma to lay the tangle on the ground, and you will raise your ground This sand is on the tangle. "You tip off and get your socks on

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