Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Student and Teacher

There is a story: There was a priest living in a religious community with just a single understudy named Plum. Ok, silly, the instructor is extremely moronic, no layman can take a cigarette, remove him or send him home. Once, he was poor yet he had an elephant.

One day he considered, "There is nothing at all present for the poor today, so for what reason would it be a good idea for me to purchase anything? Keep the relax. Consider it and afterward tell your understudy, "Leave and get a few elephants and go to the market and get a few things to keep. Crude. " The elephants came to get the elephants, the instructor and the understudies took the elephant to the market. When they arrive, the educator tells the understudy, "You have purchased something that has been kept for quite a while. Understudies as an understudy likewise purchase salt toward the part of the arrangement day. What's more, he said unto them, Why purchase ye salt, and will not purchase salt? . His pupils stated, "I will get you salt, and I will get it." The senseless instructor is quiet.

Ace grabs elephants, understudies haul salt from behind, most of the way up the instructor takes a gander at the understudies as though they are anything but difficult to inquire. "Stunning! Do I take a gander at you as though you are salting? . Furthermore, his devotees said to him, Lo, we come to thee; It's simple and light. The instructor told the understudies, "You ride the elephant, I go for salt and stroll behind." And he descended from the elephant, and the supporters went up into the mountain. He stated, "You go to the elephant and hang tight for me in the shade." The educator drives to the pagoda. .

The ace of the salt shop pursued, and it was overwhelming to the point that he quit searching for his understudies. Also, he stated, "Bring them here, and they cast them into the desert, and they will discover For they will locate no salt in the water, and they will not discover the water, that they might be stowed away in the water, Look Stunted both salt and play it safe to keep the water and walk. When they went to the pagoda, they asked the understudies, "For what reason don't you recall me? . Also, his devotees said unto him, Lo, I come unto thee, and look; The stroll to the pagoda simply ceased. Also, his supporters asked him, saying, Master, where camest thou here? . The instructor stated, "There I shrouded it; here I cut the lotus." And promptly in the first part of the day he removed his devotees, and took the salt, and said unto them, I covered up in the well. Furthermore, his pupils censured him, saying, "Far be it from me!" And he went down to the salt, and took up both the salt, and there was no salt in it. Likewise attached to the mouth of the sack, a fish was found in the net. The supporters state to him, "There is a fish in the net, and they are loaded up with salt." Look. Furthermore, he saw an irate fish, and it struck on the fish's face, and contacted it. The fish was too wiped out to even think about eating, and the instructor stated, "You haul out the fish very soon, for I am wiped out." The understudies are practically difficult to draw off. At the point when the blood was drawn out, and the fish turned out to be more terrible and more terrible, the instructor took his supporters back to the pagoda With the sauce of fish sauce, touch base at the pagoda and tell the understudies, "Return home to cook a pot of simmered fish. Before long I'll be frantic. " When the sun was down, he nodded off.

What's more, Alton additionally cooked bubbled fish, cooked fish, and left a bowl of rice and fish bones in a bowl however secured it. Draw near. The instructor woke up and told the understudies, "You bring some rice and fish." He additionally went about as though he would recover the nourishment, saying that the rice and the fish were no more. A heap of fish and a bit of fish. "Moronically mind boggling, the ace gave a shake to the understudies and said," You fly a fly! Keep it on the rack. " Student Plummet additionally flies relentless. At the time, there was a fly on the nose, and the instructors stated, "The fly simply hit my nose!" The understudies additionally type in the word educator, not fly, and the nose drains. The understudies were reluctant to run home and inform their folks regarding the occurrence. Guardians advise their youngsters to return to the pagoda, they won't come. The educator comes, however he is reluctant to come.

The following day, the educator holds an enchantment service to quiet the understudies. An understudy, discovers that the educator of enchantment has come back to the pagoda to accept that the ace is great, until The pagoda meandered into the room and saw the instructor presenting the enchantment, and asked, "What's going on with you?" The educator stated, "I was rehearsing enchantment since I simply learned it." Suddenly, the instructor thought, "Well, I'm great at getting my understudies here." And when the morning was come, his supporters took up the nourishment, and stated, It is currently time; . Apollo came up and he saw the plate on the leader of the educators yelling "Stunning! Why put a plate on my head? ». What's more, his pupils said unto him, Thou seest not. The educator dismissed and put another plate on the leader of the instructor

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